The Morpheus8 Microneedling Process

Are you struggling with signs of aging that leave your skin feeling worn and dehydrated? At Bodypoint, our Morpheus8 services in Lehi, UT can help your skin feel rejuvenated, supple, and strong. Our customized treatment plans will help you stop aging in its tracks and deeply penetrate the innermost layers of skin to improve its tissue growth and future appearance.

Are you looking for a Morpheus8 treatment in Lehi, UT? At Bodypoint, our skin treatments are minimally-invasive, safe, and effective. We understand that surgery isn’t the right solution for everyone, so we offer alternative cosmetic methods to alter your face or body without going under the knife. Call us today to learn more or to book now!

How Does Aging Affect the Skin?

As your body ages, your skin becomes thinner, volume diminishes, and it loses its elasticity. Because of these changes, aged skin may sag or have a dulled appearance. Bones and muscles may also weaken with age, and it can take your body longer to heal. The Morpheus8 treatment can help restore your skin’s youthful vitality and heal its underlying cells and tissues. 

What is the Morpheus8 Treatment?

Morpheus8 is an innovative and FDA-approved treatment that cosmetically resurfaces the skin and leaves behind a smooth appearance. Unlike a surgical facelift or liposuction, Morpheus8 targets stubborn fat deposits or blemishes without major pain or downtime. Morpheus8 is administered with a small handlheld device and uses radiofrequency microneedling technology.

Radiofrequency Microneedling

What is radiofrequency microneedling? RF microneedling combines two revolutionary treatments to give you the best skin results. First, radiofrequency waves use targeted heat to stimulate collagen and elastin production deep in your skin’s innermost layers, healing cells and tissues. Then, microneedling reverses scarring, wrinkles, enlarged pores, stretch marks, and other blemishes on the skin’s surface to leave behind a youthful glow and appearance.

Which Areas of the Body Does Morpheus8 Treat?

Morpheus8 is used to treat both the face and body and helps with tightening skin, improving hollowed areas, and increasing flexiblity. It is also used in vaginal rejuvenation procedures, improving appearance and skin laxity. Morpheus8 treatments make your skin stronger and healthier, providing an ideal sculpted appearance in your targeted areas.

Morpheus8 Procedure and Results

While patients can expect a slight pinching sensation during treatment, numbing cream helps to ease any side effects. You may notice slight redness or bruising for a couple days to a couple weeks following your Morpheus8 session; however, this subsides quickly and shouldn’t interfere with your daily routine. Traditional liposuction and facelift procedures can take over three months to heal, so Morpheus8 offers a suitable minimally-invasive skin resurfacing option.

Morpheus8 Benefits

Morpheus8’s dual treatment strategy comes with a wide array of benefits. During the procedure, your body will benefit from a boost in collagen and elastin production, improved texture and tone, and the therapy’s anti-aging properties. Not only does this improve your skin temporarily, it also helps to train healthy cells and tissues for lasting healthy skin in the future. Additional Morpheus8 treatments can help you train your skin and extend the treatment’s benefits.

Boosts Collagen Production

First, Morpheus8 boosts collagen production. Collagen connects your skins tissues, ensuring your skin appears firm but full of youthful volume. As you age, collagen production slows and your face can appear hollowed, saggy, or sallow. This boost in collagen production repairs tired tissues and skin cells and allows your skin to become healthier and more youthful over time.

Sparks Elastin Production

In addition to collagen, Morpheus8 puts elastin to work, helping to increase your skin laxity and helping your healing processes. The increased elastin in your body will help to replace what aging has diminished and allow your body to bounce back more easily. Where collagen replaces your skin’s strength, elastin can help improve its stretchiness and resilience. 

Improves Tone and Texture

Morpheus8 is also an ideal treatment for dealing with sun damage and other skin radiance issues. Through it’s repair of the skin’s top layers, it allows your skin to take on a new brightness and vitality. We can help you address enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, sagging skin, or other tone and texture issues that are drawing your unwanted attention.

Anti-Aging Properties

Morpheus8 is often most useful for its anti-aging properties. The treatment’s ability to rennovate the skin’s appearance allows us to help you dissolve wrinkles or drooping skin. By boosting collagen and elastin, your skin naturally reverses signs of aging and is able to heal. Results develop for the first few months and can last for around one year.

Am I a Good Candidate For the Morpheus8 Procedure?

Morpheus8 is a useful alternative to traditional liposuction or laser skin resurfacing. In addition to offering a non-surgical option, Morpheus8 is suitable for all skin tones and doesn’t have extended risks for darker skin tones like laser resurfacing can. The skin treatment is most suitable for older patients looking to reverse the signs of aging, patients struggling with acne scarring, or patients who want to tighten specific spots and correct cellulite.

Book Your Morpheus8 Consultation in Lehi, UT With Bodypoint 

At Bodypoint, we understand the importance of patient health and satisfaction. Our cosmetic treatment center is kept sanitary and comfortable, so you are always receiving the best treatments and service. Our expert medical staff can help you review your medical history and determine the skin or body treatments that are best for your aesthetic goals.

Are you looking to undergo a Morpheus8 treatment in Lehi, UT? At Bodypoint, we understand how frustrating unwanted skin issues can be. Our customized treatment plans will help you find specific solutions for your skin and feel more confident in it. Call us today to learn more about Morpheus8 or to book your initial consultation.

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