Botox Services
Botox is the most popular and well-known FDA-approved neuromodulator injectable that targets different areas of the face
Botox Services in Lehi, Utah
Botox is the most popular and well-known FDA-approved neuromodulator injectable that targets three different areas of the face: expression lines on the forehead, glabellar lines between the eyebrows (also known as frown lines), and crow’s feet at the outer corners of the eyes. This product has been smoothing dynamic lines and wrinkles on the upper half of the face for over 20 years. It’s a safe, studied, and effective treatment that temporarily eliminates expression lines. We can also use Botox to treat medical concerns, specifically hyperhidrosis and TMJ pain. Injections into the jaw muscles can relax the area to provide pain relief from TMJ. Injections into the underarms can help reduce the excess sweating of hyperhidrosis.
The Treatment Process
The Treatment Process
Your Consultation
Whether you have used Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin in the past or you’ve never experienced treatment with wrinkle reduction injectables before, we will need to first schedule a consultation. We will ask you some questions about any experience you’ve had with one or more of these products, some questions about your medical history, and your cosmetic goals. We will also evaluate your expression lines and make recommendations based on which of these products can help you achieve the best results. Then, we’ll schedule your appointment.
Botox Treatment Process
The Treatment Process
Your Injections
The treatment process for all three of these products is virtually the same. When you arrive, we will clean your skin to prepare it for your injections and then make a series of quick and virtually painless injections into the muscles of your planned treatment area. Depending on your treatment plan, you may treat expression lines in one or multiple areas with one or multiple products. The treatment takes less than 20 minutes from start to finish, so you won’t have to block out a significant amount of time on your schedule to attend appointments.
Botox Treatment Process
The Treatment Process
After your treatment, you can return to work or your normal daily activities. It is important that you follow some post-treatment instructions like avoiding heat, including hot tubs, saunas, cooking over a hot grill or stove, or any activity that increases your body temperature. You should avoid strenuous workouts for 24 hours, avoid touching the treatment site, and keep your head elevated for several hours after your treatment.
Botox Treatment Process
The Treatment Process
Follow-up Treatments
Treatment results last anywhere from three to six months. If you’ve never experienced any of these treatments before, you’ll have to watch your results to notice when your expression lines make a reappearance. At that point, you will need to schedule a follow-up treatment so you can maintain your smooth and wrinkle-free skin. For most patients, this typically happens three months post-treatment. If you are a slow metabolizer, you may enjoy your results longer: closer to four to six months.
Botox Treatment Process
The Treatment Process
Your Results
After your injections, it may take up to a week to see improvements in your expression lines. Of these three products, Botox treatments take the longest to deliver results. For some patients, results appear after a few days; for others, it can take up to a week. Those who choose to use Xeomin or Dysport to treat expression lines can expect results within two to four days. Regardless of which injectable you choose, don’t expect immediate changes in your expression lines after your appointment because it will take time for the active ingredients to relax your muscles so that your skin can achieve a smooth appearance.
Botox Treatment Process
Who Is a Candidate?
The best candidates for these injectables are men and women in good health who want to address how aging has affected their complexions, specifically in the form of dynamic wrinkles on the upper half of the face. Pregnant and nursing women will not qualify for treatment, nor will those with a history of allergic reactions to any of these products.
If you have used topical anti-aging products and other skincare treatments to naturally reduce the appearance of expression lines but have been unsuccessful, you may be a good treatment candidate for these products.
Neuromodulators Treatment in Utah
Living with lines and wrinkles is outdated because now there are effective solutions to temporarily smooth expression lines and help you look and feel more like your younger self again. At BodyPoint Medspa in Lehi, Utah, we offer different wrinkle reduction injectables, including Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, that can smooth dynamic wrinkles on the upper half of the face by relaxing specific muscles and, in doing so, help you feel more confident in your complexion.
Neuromodulators: Injectables for Wrinkle Reduction
Neuromodulators are cosmetic injectables that contain wrinkle-relaxing ingredients, specifically botulinum toxin A, a purified protein that relaxes the muscles by blocking the communication between the brain and nerve signals so that the nerve signals can no longer tell the muscles to move.
We offer three of the most popular and effective neuromodulators specializing in wrinkle reduction: Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport. Each targets expression lines, relaxes the muscles, and helps lines and wrinkles become a thing of the past.
Dysport is a neuromodulator that smooths frown lines between the brows. Treatment with this injectable will help patients achieve smoother skin between the eyebrows without compromising the patient’s ability to express themselves naturally. The treatment is injected into five specific points around the eyebrows, specifically into the muscles responsible for frown lines, to help create smooth, wrinkle-free skin.
Xeomin is another cosmetic injectable that qualifies as a neuromodulator. Xeomin is different from other neuromodulators because it contains a highly purified formula free of additional proteins. It’s designed to smooth frown lines, like Dysport, that often appear as a number one or 11 between the brows.
Patients with varying degrees of frown lines, from moderate to more severe, can use this injectable to reach their anti-aging goals and restore a youthful appearance by treating and temporarily eliminating frown lines.
Enjoy Wrinkle - Free Skin
Living with expression lines can make you feel self-conscious about your complexion and make you feel older and less approachable than you are. Thanks to these injectables, there are long-lasting and safe solutions that will treat the expression lines so you can achieve your aesthetic goals and restore wrinkle-free skin. Contact us today at BodyPoint Medspa in Lehi, Utah to schedule your consultation.
How It Works
Contact BodyPoint
Choose the experienced physicians and providers at BodyPoint Medspa to help you find the treatments to target the right point of your body.
- (801) 316-1324
- 2450 West Executive Pkwy, Suite 100 Lehi, Utah 84043